Contact the Library Security Office
Phone: 704-687-1120
Location: First floor, beside the entrance and across from the Popular Reading area.
Online: Live chat. Library Security does not directly monitor the online chat, but employees there will direct your security reports to us. Please include your name and location in your message.
Meet Atkins' Security Team
Atkins Library Security is on duty when the library is open.
The security staff oversees card access to the building, manages lost and found items, and patrols the building regularly to ensure your safety. Managing the library’s security and surveillance systems is one of our crucial responsibilities. Atkins Library is equipped with 84 cameras spread throughout the building, which we monitor continuously.
While we’re not police officers, we work closely with Campus Police to ensure everyone in the library remains safe and secure.
What To Do In Different Scenarios
Medical Emergency or Physical Assault
Contact Campus Police (704-687-2200) or report the incident through the LiveSafe App. Do not contact Library Security. Calling Library Security or 911 could delay the necessary response.
Threatening or Sexually Inappropriate Behavior
If you feel unsafe, go immediately to the Library Security office or the nearest service desk. Otherwise, contact Library Security using any of our contact methods above.
Other Situations
For other situations, including:
- Stolen property
- Noise or other disruptions of your study environment
- Suspicious activities
Please report the incident to Library Security as soon as possible using any of the contact methods above.
Security Tips and Reminders
Never leave your personal items unattended
Although we appreciate that you feel safe when using the library, there’s always a risk that someone will take your possessions if you leave them sitting out.
Get to the library safely
Follow these safe travel tips, especially at night:
- Walk with a friend when coming to and leaving the library.
- Use well-lit paths, and stay alert to your surroundings.
- Don’t use your phone while walking. Phones can distract you and make you vulnerable.
Remember the lost and found
Unclaimed items are logged and kept in our security office. Contact our security staff for inquiries about lost items. We’ll do our best to locate your item if possible.